Can You Hear Me

I'm tired and all worn out. My body & mind is saying this isn't right.
Stop, No, Nooo.
Its too late to turn back. Some how I've fallen onto a path of twisted. The path of one which leads me to no return or escape.
My body's shaking cold and it seems my mind has ran home.
Blank. That's how it feels. I'm scared and my innocence is just a theory anyway? Who the hell cares.
If I were to scream I believe no one would hear me. Even if for a second they mite be near...Sadly they wouldn't hear me.
So I lay hear and allow my mind and body to fade away to some where else.. As if in a comatose trance. This is coping... pretending a single incident has never happened. Burry it deep so it will not surface causing me to break. Forget..Forget..Forget! Most Importantly hide from my mind and thoughts because a memory has a funny way of surfacing when you least expect it...Especially one that can trigger an unwanted remembrance.