
Depression is like a tear in the heart
Nobody can see it, but its there
It bleeds profusely, nobody notices but you do.
It hurts tremendously, but you can’t fix it.

Depression is feeling all hope vanish
Asphyxiated with yourself every breath a shallow one.
Every second it gets harder to breathe, but why?
No matter what you do it won’t stop…so why try?

Depression is weakening, everything hurts
Everything plummets and your world is destroyed
You don’t know what to do
You’re stranded and lost.

Lost in questions, irrelevant answers, nothing makes sense.
There is no hope, it’s purely an illusion.
A useless idea, for the sake of entertainment.
Nothing but barren and dull.

It turns you into something different.
You’re not yourself anymore.
You’re a black hole, draining everything of life
Losing every bit of light, shrouded in the dark.

I’m drowning in myself, I’m losing my sense of life.
I don’t know what to think, I feel hopeless.
The feeling is dry and hollow.
A gust of icy wind blows away all the sense of warmth.

The dark is an abyss, a deep pit of nothing
I want to tear my heart open, to pull it straight out
Maybe then I’ll feel that abyss go away.

Clawing through my chest, breaking the ribs bit by bit
Blood gushing, trickling down my arms.
Flesh torn and thrown to the floor, spurting into the walls
Reaching through to grip my heart, beating faster and faster.

It beats faster the closer to it I get, I grip it tightly.
Firmly I hold it and feel it beating fast.
Only to tear it slowly, feeling gallons of blood down my arm
I want to end it, to end my feelings of hopelessness.

Depression isn’t curable, the abyss grips you tightly and it kills.
But why me?
I never did anything to deserve this.

Never ending.
It won’t.
It can’t.
The only relief being the embrace of Death.