Dance With My Father

I remember standing on your toes as we'd spin
Around and around we'd go
Dancing around to no music

I remember looking up at you
I still feel your big hands hold my small ones
And your loving gaze

I remember all the nights you'd spend with me
You were my first love
And my first best friend

Do you remember all the times I would fall?
You'd pick me up and hold me until I smiled
You were my hero Daddy

I've grown older now
And colder to you
I've said things I could never take back

There is so much distance between us now
In more ways than one
I'm sorry Daddy

I wish I could go back
Back to leaning against you
Swaying to our own song

Will you still have one last dance with me?
When I'm dressed in all white
When you give me away

I want it to be just us again
Father and daughter
Like it's meant to be
♠ ♠ ♠
Something I wrote for my dad. Lately we barely talk and there are four states in between us. I guess this is my way of reaching out to him