I Remember

I remember you when I said good-bye and you pleaded for me to stay,
How I held you to my chest because I hated to see you cry.
I remember when we used to sit and stare at the stars,
How we listened to the heart beats that resounded in our chest.
But now times have changed and no matter how close we are,
It will always feel as if we are a thousand miles away, in a different world.
How you can see the thin white lines that tell an invisible story of memories hidden away on my skin,
And I know you can tell that I lied to you even when you say "I trust you."
I remember how I felt when you wrapped your pale arms around my waist,
And when you laughed it didn't seem right when it didn't hit your eyes like it used to.
I remember looking at you for signs that maybe you were like me,
And you were like me because I saw the lines that had made their way to you as well.
I understood that melencholy silence when we both knew that we were more alike than we thought.