Most Dangerous of the Few

I'm so tired of this
Of apologizing endlessly
Of wantingly wondering
Wandering aimlessly around the house
Curling up and sleeping soundly
Dreamlessly, until you intervene
I just want to move on, so won't you
Live and let live? I promise to move on
I promise to leave you alone
I promise to leave you be
Please, boy, please
I just need to be me

You always said that I was deep
So utterly complex
And you should have known
That I could never be that simple
The puzzle is endless
I'd love to see you try it out
The enigma that is wrapped inside
Riddle after riddle after a lock without a key
Come on, boy, just try to get inside
You've always said you would, so
I'd love to see you try to break me

My heart is pounding so selfishly
I hear the heartbeat echoing in my head
I know about what happened back then
But I'm just realizing it now
My breathing quickens, slows, stops
For just the fraction of the second
And I feel you reaching around me
I feel as you're trying to break through
And I feel you as you feel me not let you
Your frustration is building, it's about to break loose
Will you protect me from the most dangerous of the few?
And that, my dear, is none but you