To Live life Stuck Upon Mistakes

What if were to make a choice?
and those among us justified this choice as the "right" thing to do

Then we face sorrow for mistakes and bad judgment we may had made..

When shall we be forgiven as we forgive ourselves?

What must be done when we begin to refuse to forgive our own self's?

I can tell you it is lonely in a unforgiving world. One that can drag you down to the depths of self hate.

Wonder the thought of who you are.. pondering amongst the mirror convinced that's not you staring back. Spouting out hate filled remarks to yourself believing it to ease some pain.

Beginning to become the monster you believe people see you as.
Contemplating a life without your existence any longer

Giving into the thought that you are a monster because of a choice...Or choices made. Maybe even a simple slip of bad judgment.
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Wrote this one today random thoughts flowing to paper. Its ehhhhhhh ok.