I Wish I Was A Cat

I wish I was a cat.
Because a cat only sleeps and eats and that's that.

A cat can sleep all day,
Rather than going to school today. 

A cat can run around with all its glee,
But I can't barely run anymore. Because that's just me.

A cat can cuddle with a person if they may,
And theyre always there to comfort you to bay.

A cat can be all fuzzy and warm,
But I freeze outside even when there isn't a storm.

A cat is a companion that's always there to stay,
But I however, am easy to push away.

A cat can get yelled at but cuddles make it better,
But when I get yelled at nothing makes it better, not even an apologetic letter.

I wish I was a cat.
Because a cat only sleeps and is happy and that's that.