Aging in Darkness

You're a newborn baby
Seeing the world for the first time
Opening your eyes
Crying is your only crime

You're 3 years old
You walk and play
You're learning all you can
Nap time is the worst part of the day

You're five
Kindergarten bound
ABC's and 123's
Are what you revolve around

You're finally 10
A double digit kid
You feel so excited
Your disappointment is well hid

You're 12
Puberty has begun
Everyone else is getting prettier
This isn't fun

You're 13
And middle school sucks
So does being a teenager
Now you've learned to "not give any fucks"

You're sweet sixteen!
Everyone is so happy for you
But that darkness still tumbles
And you don't know what to do

You're 18, an adult
Everyone is clubbing all night
But you hide your scars
Keeping them out of sight

Finally 21.
You hope to drink away your pain
But the vodka doesn't help
Just fills your with more disdain

And in the prime of your life
Too bad you just want to end it all
With a flick of a knife

20... +5
You've aged so well
Too bad you can't see
You think you're in hell

And the boys swoon
You're the perfect woman
You should marry soon

You're ready to be dead
You'll never get a man
With those voices in your head

And he's knocking at your door
He promises to take away the pain
You won't feel sad anymore

Married and with child
The pain is suppressed
In your mind, away they've been filed

And the pain returns
You want it to stop
But the sadness yearns

A monster this child can be
Sometimes you don't know
What's real or imaginary

You think you're old
You look in the mirror
And you don't see your husband's gold

50 years old
You are getting sick in bed
But really it's just
All in your head

Your monsters are here
They want to take you away
You have nothing to fear

You jumped from so high
But what about your family
Now all they do is cry

Your husband blames himself
Your daughter is full of sorrow
Your grandson was supposed to be born
The day after tomorrow

Now everything's black
The way it was before
When you hated 8th grade
And you wanted to cut more

The darkness took over
No more pain
And now you will never
Feel anything again

You aged with darkness
It was your best friend
But it also was the thing
That caused your end