Love Happens

Love happens
It comes along when you least expect it
Least notice it
Least want it
Love just comes and goes as it pleases
You can't will it to be
Or will it not to be
It just is
No matter how you fight
It will be
Whether you want it or not
You can choose to ignore it
But it will still be there
You can choose to force it
But it won't work
Love goes hits you
It's called falling in love for a reason
It's not planning to love
It's not jumping in love
It's falling
Falling because it's unexpected
Falling because it just happens
Planned love is just like a stage fall
It looks real
Sometimes it feels a little real
But you know that it's fake
You feel it
You feel that hollow feeling
Well love happens
You feel whole
You just feel it
Love isn't planned
Love isn't expected
Love isn't always want
But no matter who you are
No matter where you're from
Love happens