I'll Pull You Up!

I wish there was something I could do
Hate goodbye's something I can't get through
You tell me to stay strong
But I can’t seem to move on
I’ll cry myself to sleep
This hill I'm trying to climb is getting to steep
I’m starting to stumble and fall
Won’t ask for help put up a wall
You try to lead me but I get side tracked
I always seem to get lost on the path
You always try to keep me calm
But I’m freaking out everything’s going wrong
My fingers are tapping
Can’t believe what’s happening
It’s all happening to fast
So many questions I’m afraid to ask
Walking down the streets in the dark
Thinking about everything falling apart
How many times you were there for me
To put a smile on my face and make me happy
All the days you told me I’d be alright
All the times you stayed up with me all night
I just wish everything would work out okay
There are so many things I wish I could say
I’ll always have you close to me
I need you so much clearly
So many things left unsaid
So many thoughts circling my head
Thinking of you all the time
There’s not one day you’re not on my mind
Tell everyone i’m fine but really inside I’m screaming
I’ve gone so numb I’m losing feeling
I’ll never lose hope
I’ll pull you up just grab the rope
I want you to know
I’m here through and through
I’ll never say goodbye I’ll never give up on you
♠ ♠ ♠
I Wrote This When My Best Friend Was In The Hospital! R.I.P Jakey! I Still Think Of You Every Day!