What Someone Should Have Said

Hey little girl under the starry sky
With you tearful eyes and broken smiles
Why can’t they see you’re just a child?
Sweet fragile girl it’ll be all right.

Inner child me, that grew up to fast
That cries in the dark from deep in my past
Pretty small thing never had a chance to play
I reach out to you, its okay

Pretty young thing you dance and sing
Lovely in hues of fall and spring
A joyful young bloom withering in a pot
As they give you responsibilities you could handle not.

The smaller you feel the bigger you pretend to be
The pride in your blood feels like family
But someone should hug you under the darkened sky
When the wind billows strong and it feels you could die

I know you felt scared dear inner young me
The monsters long vanished will never harm thee
Sleep calmly tonight my girl smart and fair
Wake up tomorrow to the joy in the air

Hey little princess I’m here you know
Sweetie don’t hide, it’s okay to grow
Honey it’s time, you can now stop crying
I promise you love that nobody’s lying

It’s okay now to show who you are
Don’t worry if you’re small you shine as a star
Its fine if you cry nobody will scold you
For everything’s fine in my arms as I hold you

Take my hand little girl that I was
Today you and I are healing at last.
♠ ♠ ♠
last week in my psychology class the teacher advised us to write a letter to our inner child, to remember who we where as children and imagine what we would say to ourselves if we met today. I for one took the exercise very seriously and this is it, because when I was a little girl I really wish someone would have realized I was entirely too young, that someone would have taken the time to hold me.