
Grass lands of treason
Shot dead for no reason
Their only excuse
Is that we were different

They lied to us
Because they didn't want us to falter But on a battle field of hatred and sorrow
Your words sent us over the edge
And we could careless
Because our hearts were already dead

You did this to us
You shot our hopes down
With a laugh and a smile
You watched our dreams drown
They were choking because they wanted to live
You wouldn't let them
Said they couldn't afford to live

They paid the price for my mistakes
It's a burden that weighs heavy on my shoulders
I did this to them!
I- I did this to them?

This blood was on my hands now-
♠ ♠ ♠
Please don't be afraid to comment! I really do enjoy criticism, but please let it be constructive not mean thank you. :D Now enjoy!