Perpetual Darkness

Subjected to the darkness
Nowhere else to go
Just cascading further
Nothingness, here I come
Listen to my prayers
They seem to speak
I cant do anything at all
Unless I break the chain
Another room of black
Grey shades dancing on walls
What have I got into to?
Into the abyss I fall
Darkness takes away
All remaining life
I'm a confused slave
Is this how I die?
Good god, I'm in a corner
So vacant and cold here
Death feels very near
Incased in tension and fear
Why can't the demons in my head
Can't they all be just dead
In a way they are but
Who says?
The doctors are the dead
Coming for me
They say they are helpful
They just can't see
Dead bed, here I am
Deep inside once again
Injecting fluids
Come on in....