Dreams and Death

I am falling
With a wickedly anxious anticipation of the end
But for a fall so long
You start to wonder
If falling is truly your fate
If it will drag you under
You can sleep while falling
Hopefully fate will choose
To let you continue
While you dream of other things
When usually one is sleeping
While you dream of other things
How strange
Sometimes the feeling
Seems so odd
As the wind touches the face
How is there wind
Inside this place


They watch my face
My eyes twitch
But do not open
They examine my arms
Hands clench and release
My father sleeps in chair
My never-resting mother
Hand in my hair
A doctor comes in
He watches me too
He smiles sadly at my lover
A week now
A week
Seven days
Lost in sleep


I landed
But it did not hurt
I'm being watched
It's dark here
Could it be
That i am dreaming?
I drift through
The midnight maze
Walls of fog
Floor of grass
Cieling of crossed trees
Let me out


Dad is awake now
Mother and my love have gone
His eyes look weary
As if they have seen a ghost
And simply
Excepted it
My love returns
He pulls headphones
Out of his pockets
Puts them in my ears
Puts on a song
I cant remember

My loves turn to watch me now
Try to wake me now
Kisses on my forehead
Tears on my cheek
Not mine
Heart breaking
My poor baby
As I am lost in dreams


It rains
Without clouds
It rains
Still Drifting


Doctor returns
Mother as well
My lover sleeps
Shes not coming back
I love her
Shes gone


I love you too

Let me out!


Did you see that?
She moves
Her hand
Could it be?


Through the dark
Crying out


She squeezed my hand


Breaking the surface
Oh it hurts
I open my eyes
He is holding my hand
That hurts too
I am awake
Everyone is relieved
Im not dying
Happy ending


The doctor comes in
Shakes his head
The must truly love her
Everyone is Sleeping
Dad in a chair, smiling
Mom on the couch
My love on my shoulder
We dream together
Sometimes reality is too much

Come dream with me
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes i know the end is a little anti climactic, but i wanted to leave it as a question of what happens next, use your imagination...and then realize that this kinda stuff is what i think about all day