
Sadness, that’s what this is.
The black air we breathe that is born in factories
Sadness that last bite of your favorite candy-bar
That time you pour a bowl of cereal to find out there’s no milk
Sadness, a mother’s last words to her child
Your day off work being the one-day it rains
Sadness, those broken hearts and broken dreams
Those nights when the saltwater that runs down your cheek is your Lunesta
Sadness is all around
Sadness is you, and him, and her.
But sadness is NOT me
I AM the beach cleaning programs
I AM the chocolates you find on your pillow
I AM your favorite oatmeal that was hiding behind the cereal
I AM a child’s first words, steps, and laugh
I AM the fort you built out of sheets on your rainy day off
I AM that friend that you call at UNGODLY hours that drives to your house so you have a shoulder to cry on
I AM that friend who listens to you beg for someone to take away your pain
I AM also the friend you lash out at when I try to, your hands clenching harder and harder the more I try
I AM the guy who gives 110% into making you happy no matter how many times he gets smacked aside
Just because of your obscene obsession to your, sadness
♠ ♠ ♠
So I wrote this poem about my suicidal ex.