
Darkness opened the floodgates,
And in came the Evil,
With a Chelsea smile and sweet giggle.
Every little ounce of pain that flowed
Through my veins like the blood
That dripped.
Intrusion and penetration and
Heroin and Whiskey;
Like friendship in distorted glass.

A never ending loop that captures
Even the most stubborn of girls;
With a Chelsea smile and sweet giggle
I watched him destroy in admiration;
Cold showers of loving hatred,
Like salt against the wound;
Black and blue,
Glistening in blissful darkness;
Step by step I fall.

Explicit evil with a loving touch
To caress the injured skin,
With a Stockholm grin and sweet giggle
I watched him fall,
From the broken stands of childhood happiness
And fallen hopes.
Dull aching like the satin needles
Of the injustice of justice,
Restless in your mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi [: I've never wrote a poem on Mibba so I've decided when I get an idea and I don't feel ready to start it I'll write it as a poem :3 xx