Please Stop

It was obvious, while entering school’s main hall
Red puffy eyes on the students who could only cry
Along with hugs and puzzled looks asking why
Evidently it had caused pain to almost all

Teachers were unable to speak
They knew we had already been told
The energy in every room was a bone chilling cold
Emotions from all staff and peers were unstable and weak

Students arriving at school hysterical
The reason was sent out in a note
A fellow peer OD’d on a drug and never awoke
If only he knew he would leave us with a pain that was unbearable
So many people, affected by his death
All for just a few minutes of stupid fun
With what, some ask? Heroine and crystal meth
Now look at what those minutes have done

If ever asked to try any typeof drug
think about your past
who was the last person you shared a hug
do you want that hug to be your last