I Can't Stop Lying

I don't do it on purpose
At least not most of the time
I used to do all the time
On purpose I mean
I did it consciously
And still do it unconsciously
Because I thought
And think
My life if boring
I want to stop
I need to stop
But I can't
I mean to
But I don't
It's like word vomit
I'm sick
I don't know how to get better
Is there medicin?
Something I can do?
I feel so bad when I catch myself in a lie
I'm so scared someone will catch me
I don't want them to
I can't let them
I'm a good liar
And that's bad
I lie about things
Things that are unimportant
Things you can't prove wrong
Things that aren't unreasonable
Things that I've never done
Never said
Never thought
It just comes out
My life is good
My life is normal
Well normal enough
So why can't I stop?
It's my worst habit
I desperately what to kick it
But I don't know how
Somebody help me
I can't stop lying