
Broken like shattered glass,
Unable to be reassembled.
Broken like a puzzle,
Pieces scattered and lost.

Regret, emptiness and pain,
My mixed emotions define me.
The world crumbles around me,
And guilt replaces everything.

Things can change,
But only I can change them.
Is there a way to change it?
I really don't know.

Trust, loyalty, friendship,
everything is hanging by a thread.
My mind swirls like a tornado,
But nothing makes sense.

I pushed away everyone,
People I care about,
People I respect,
But maybe I'm too late to pull them back.

Broken like shattered glass,
Unable to be reassembled.
Broken like a puzzle,
Pieces scattered and lost.

In the end all I have is I'm sorry
But in reality that fixes nothing
♠ ♠ ♠
Just rambling