Her Choice

Do I leave?
Or do I stay?
Is it worth the heartbreak that may come
Or worth the chance of happily ever after?

Down on one knee he waits
For her,
His true love,
To say yes.

Say yes!
Say no!
Her head tells her one thing
Her heart tells her another

Which to choose
Which to follow

The fairy tales made it seem easy,
You meet someone and fall in love
As easy as that.

Her mother made it look hard, impossible.
Guy after guy.
Drugs, alcohol, and sex
All they ever thought about
Never love.

But everybody told her different.
They told her it takes work.
You don’t just fall in love.
You have to get to know the person

But its really up to her.
Its her heart she will put on the line,
Not anybody elses...so she decided:

“Yes, I’ll marry you.” She whispers with a smile on her face.