
you cannot see them
but they are still there.
lurking in the shadows
jumping out in front of me from time to time.

you cannot hear them
but they’re still making sounds.
yelling, whispering, crying
making sure I hear their words.

you cannot feel them
but they make themselves felt.
brushing past your skin, cold enough to cause goosebumps
reminding you of your battle scars.

they have a tendency to appear without warning-
leaving you in a constant state of fuzzy
not knowing when they’ll return to you
but always knowing
you never ever want them to grace you with their presence
but just wishing for them to disappear
does absolute jack shit.

It’s a warzone
that takes place inside your own mind.
you fight a battle with them
and they leave you bruised and battered
constantly wishing they would just fuck off.

you have scars that they have caused
you blame yourself for them, but it wasn't your fault
it was them that told you to pick up the razor
and do the unthinkable to yourself.

hiding and seeking
they live inside all of us.
the demons that contain our dark sides
the sides of us that should be locked away
and never be shown the light of day

these demons are more dangerous than any physical demon
they're manipulative
and controlling
and overwhelming
but after a while, once they come to visit more and more often
you get used to them
and they become comforting
especially when they’re telling you to end it all.