
Transient seasons murmur peaceful farewells one by one.
Autumn’s departure heralded Winter’s malevolence.
The cold temperature acts as an anesthetic
Forcing sleep upon the insomniacs
And stealing it from those who dream by night.

Unwelcome tears trespass like criminal rain
Cascading down discolored cheeks
As if they are shattered window panes
Relentlessly spilling over until the dawn,
The morning that never seems to come.

A marionette's eyes glassy with despair,
Your eyes searching for rasion d'être

Lathering the blood on your hands,
Tied strings snapping in an instant,
And our bonds withering away at once.

I'm a broken marionette
Tangled in the strings of grief
Cheeks flushed from a January fever.

Malnourished affections
Withering in solitude,
January's ill fever
Burning my passions
In my snowy grave.