I Am

I am the genius who got voted most intelligent
who got the perfect marks
and wrote the brilliant essays
and was envied by my friends

I am the slut who got fingered by the boy behind the school
who constantly talks about sex
and has a fuck list 82 people long
and brags about every encounter

I am the weird kid who draws all over herself
who always knows the wrong thing to say
and sits in the back
and hangs out with the stoners

I am the sociopath that has dreamt of murder countless times
who left all plans unfollowed
and watched gory snuff films
and was scared of getting caught

I am the punk kid who doesn't care what anyone thinks
who walks around with middle fingers raised
and goes to all the concerts
and doesn't care who's in charge

I am the quiet kid who hides self-conciseness under thirty sweaters
who drinks all the coffee
and sits and thinks the day away
and makes herself sad

I am the narcissist who believes everyone else is underneath her
who thinks she is the epitome of beauty
and everyone likes her
and she's perfect

I am the girl who has black hair and hazel eyes
who isn't sure if she's one of the "I"s
or all of the "I"s
or none of them