IV-VIII: Un-titled feelings to a friend I'm almost positive I've lost.

We're exact opposites these days and it kills to see you go
But I've seen this coming for such a long time now,
And I guess it's time for face to show.

Such a long time ago we were like sisters and I don't know how
Because we haven't talked in months and you've become someone I know you're not

I don't really know what to do with myself and I haven't for a while
I know all I do I bring you down and I'm so sorry for that
But is it such a selfish thing to not want you to go?
To not want to say goodbye to you?
Because I can see that coming too...

I think that that's what hurts re than anything really,
The fact that I can see it coming, or maybe it already happened and I just don't know yet.

It's... It's heartbreaking... To know that I've lost you.
Because let's face it I really think I have.
And it's been like this for such a long time now that I don't know how I didn't see it.

Somewhere along the way you got lost.
Or maybe I got lost...
Maybe we just lost each other...
Maybe.... Maybe we strayed from the path.

I'm not sure though maybe we didn't
Maybe everything's going the exact way it's meant to
Maybe we're supposed to be like this
Maybe we aren't supposed to go on from here.

But if I'm being honest I don't want to loose you.
Especially not to what you've been doing.

You flaunt it.
I'm not quite sure why,
Maybe it's for attention, but probably not
Maybe it's because you want some kind of challenge
Maybe you want to have some kind of struggle to get over
Maybe it's because you don't care, that's probably it

I just don't think you care...
But I'm gonna call you on Christmas
And I'm gonna wish you a happy one
And I'll probably cry
And I'll probably lie and say I've been doing good
And I'll say I have to go and you'll wish me a happy Christmas
And then I'll cry some more.
Because I really don't want to loose you
And I want you to prove me wrong in my thinking that I am

But you won't...
♠ ♠ ♠
For Taylor. My best friend.