Girls Like Us

Girls like us are waiting...
to be told we’re wanted,
and needed.

Girls like us are used up,
we’re broken and sad,
and alone.

Girls like us are fleeing...
from the darkness of our minds,
and soul.

Girls like us swallow pills,
wanting to be happy for a few hours,
and smile.

Girls like us are trying to fit in,
we binge drink to make friends,
and enemies.

Girls like us are obsessed with death,
making lines on our skin to feel,
and hurt.

Girls like us purge away our food,
because we’re still so obsessed with death,
and creation.

Girls like us are alone on the floor,
sad, alone and nothing but drunk,
and crying.

Girls like us flirt with death,
every time we binge drink,
and etch a new line into our skin,
and perpetually swallowing pills we don’t need.

We’re sad,

Girls like us try to fight,
fight something we can’t see,
to find a way out.