Demonic Romance

He loved her so
In her radiance up above
But she was beyond him
A world unknown
Unknown to his love

His eyes were the night
Her beauty is the sun
Afar he gazed,
Too tangled to be undone

But he was below her
A demon to her light
She knew not his love,
His world,
His relentless plight

Still he loved her so
Dreaming he would pray
That she fall from grace
Down to him
Hiding her away

Hindering her radiance
The thing he so adored
But without her light
She’s not the same,
Lovely no more

He couldn’t love her
If she were the same
He’d destroy his only hope
Only light
Himself to blame

Unrequited his love
Will so remain forever
Gazing afar
Together they’ll be
For never and never