Christmas Lights

Red and green lights sparkle from the tree
I inhale the familiar smell of pine
and gently brush my fingers on the tips of the tree's branches
why did things have to change
no more comforting white Christmas
with fluffy pearl white snow
with warm smiles on my sister's faces

No more giving to those in need
no more lying down underneath the tree
to watch those beautiful red and green lights
cast their magnificent shadows upon our ceiling
No more chestnuts to roast over an open fire

I long for Christmas to return
to what it used to be
back when I was a little girl
when I used to cast my angel in the snow
and throw balls and balls of snow

How can I forget building my very first snowman
with black pebbles for his eyes
a raisin for his nose
and a sliced apple for his mouth

I close my eyes and pretend
just for one moment
that my snowman came to life
and twirled me around and around
as he danced with me beneath
the snowy sky

winter used to symbolize
the beginning of Christmas
and of a new year
I looked forward to it
because it meant Christmas lights
flickering it's red and green shadows on our ceiling
and my gosh, it used to be such a beautiful sight
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is my entry for the Winter Wonderland contest :)