
Her mellifluous voice
And evocative glances
Was what was keeping him awake.

A comely wellbeing
Under summer’s touch
As she obliviously lilts her way
Past his imperceptible revering gaze.

The warmth passes by
And he wonders why
The oblivious girl
Was no longer lilting,
But sulking her way
Past his imperceptible revering gaze.

The cold arrives
And he tries to fathom why
The oblivious girl was sulking
A month ago
When he had been admiring her flux
Before she receded away
From everybody’s gaze.

Word got around
That the oblivious girl
Succumbed to empty promises
When the waters assured her
Of eternal elation.

He made it to the top of the building
And shuffled his way to the edge
Where he contemplated
Of what is yet to happen
And if this is what
The oblivious girl
Would have wanted him to do.

“How would she know
If I fell from here,
If she never even noticed
My imperceptible revering gazes
And how hard I fell for her?”

Her mellifluous voice
And evocative glances
Was what was keeping him awake anyway.