
I got caught up
In your eyes
Smelling your lies
From a mile away
Yet I fell for it
A leap of faith
A chance with a bad hand

But here I'm told you're full of shit
Don't really need an answer
I've already got it
See I thought I could trust
But turns out I was wrong
I gave into lust
So now I have to write this song

I forget your voice
The feeling of your restless snores
What did I get myself into?
You just made me one of your little whores
Used me then threw me away

Can't believe I fell for your shit
Can't believe I want to forgive
But that ain't right

See being in bed with you
Was one of my best experiences in life
But I guess you don't feel the same
And here I am going insane
Because I can't and wont see your face again

I'm angry at you, mad at your shit
But for some reason I'm already over it

Can I get one last chance?
Prove that I'm more of a woman
Than you think.

Probably wont even happen
So I'll just sit here
And pretend to be mad at you
When we both know it isn't true
You're just a lying sack of shit
Yet I want you.