A New Plan

From the simple, pounding rain
Down to the extending plain
I seek pleasure in each grain

Though beauty is hard to find
A heart hidden from behind
Can contain a unique kind

Every secretive deed done
Hints toward an improved one
Thus spinning under the sun

Love conquers rarely, yet death
Is on the doorstep of the breathe
Without a smige of meth

Why then is good endangered?
Why does it makes some angered?
Why do they make it wagered?

For these answers lie in shades
Deep in minds, confusion laid
Replacement needs to be made

Instead let the world seek joy
It's fine to be weak or coy
Yet we do need a new ploy

One where all aids another
Where we are all a brother
Where we all are like mothers

A day far in the future
A day we all shall wish for
A day where we all are one