i can not take this

i can not take this
i can not take this
i cannot take this
i cant take this

maybe im getting better
who knows
the world is altered in my mind

do other people see the same things i do
do they hear the mocking tone in their voice
do they feel the disappointment radiating off of them directed at me
do they taste the salty tears late at night
do they think about how death is inevitable

or is it just me
who knows

im feeling better but im not at all okay yet
i still ache deep in my heart
my body aches
my soul aches
but im feeling better

life is pointless
but so are chocolate bars
and books
and tv sets
and teddy bears

i am just an analogy that hardly makes sense
i can not take this
maybe im getting better
do other people see the same things i do
or is it just me
im feeling better but im not at all okay yet
life is pointless