My hearts POV

My teacher made me write this as an assignment.
He wanted to challange me.
Didn't think i could do it.
He liked it so much he hung it on his door.
for all the world to see.
even trevor.

I’m tired of watching her die.
She’s just killing herself.
I’m surprised they know I’m here in this
She calls a chest.

Her cousin, a lover?
Is that wrong?
My doll is
Between these men
She adores.

I know she needs them.
Both of them
Without them, she’ll probably kill herself.
(A kiss at a time, mind you)

Yeah, I know it hurts me, too.
Being ripped apart everyday.
It’s hard.
But I’m really all she’s got.
Besides Nick and Trevor;
But their just two men as god had made them.

She burns for those two.

Every day
I’m torn
In more ways then one

I don’t know if I should protect her.
Or let her step out in front of that logging truck
Driving up her street

I don’t know if I should make her tell them;
Or if I should let her spill my blood on the floor
For one more day

But then I have to ask,
What if this is her last day?
What if she makes that cut?
Or steps out in front of that truck?

What if she falls in love?