I'm Caught

I’m caught some were in the folds of dreams and
night mares
I can see the ceiling covered in a thick blanket of
twig light
I can see yet I’m not awake
My brain dose not process anything
Is this how death feels?
Stuck between asleep and walk
Or is this more of a zombie state
Time dose not exist
Hours are days
Days are years
Seconds and minuets were never created
There is light were darkness dose not cling
Breathe even when lungs don’t inflate
Full darkness in a blink
Lips part
Air rushes in
I’m a live
I’m a walk
I am human
Yet my blood runs colds
My hart is flaming
Pumping ice crystals though my veins
Pain dose not existence
Numbness is all I feel
Cold hearted player pimpet
Seducer of thoughts looking for love
Love they will never find
Only lust
Lust that filled desire
Yet leaves worm holes behind unjust