
Sister of Love suffocation in are harts of stone
A fish tossed from the sea to rot alone on the beach
Don’t you see it; panicking on shore?
No I don’t suppose you see much past the vale of
So consumed of War this sea swells and rages
Tossing emotions, like loves sister to the shores of
The key to killing the human race

War Spreads
With War comes great sacrifice
Yet they sacrifices all the wrong things
The last strands of our humanity
Leaving us to quarrel like beast

Shared Bread
Their all starving; bickering and killing for food
The War has cleaned them out; filled them with only
Child sits alone, eating bread
He is not too young to know anything other than
A hungry stomach is next to him
He does not fight, but tares off a piece and shares

I think kindness is a dyeing emotion; it’s the last
strand of our humanity
Without it we just have war.