
What do you see when you look at me
"You have your fathers eyes"
You cant even look at me
Why do you hate me
"He raped me"
Is that what i am too you
A burden from a rap victims past life
Why did you not get ride of me
"Abortion is wrong"
You could of given me away
"You are still part of me"
Am i
You only see his eyes
Brown orbs that take you back
So you slap me
Slap me as if you could slap the color out of them
My brown eyes i get from him
My head is filled with nasty things
Things you whispered in my ear
Whispered hateful things down into my crib
"Why did i keep you"
Because I am still part of you
You think i will be like him
You scream and throw things
"You will never be anything better then him"
One...two..three i fallow in his lead
"Stop looking at me"
Four...five...six you knock my head around
"I hate you! You destroyed my life"
Seven...eight...nine why cant i just die
I apologize for what he done
But your ears don't hear
Blocked by your hysterical cry's
I try to make it right
"Your stopped and hideous"
I know
"No one will ever love you bastard"
I roamed the halls of school believing they only saw his eyes
It was the hatred you put in me that kept everyone away
"Go away i don't even want to smell you"
So i got a job trying to pleas you
But you only wanted the money
Some how i made it through high school
" i thought for a while their you were going to shoot your school up"
Ten..eleven...twelve why would you say such things
I turned away that day
I new you were broken
That day i learned just how mean you could be
One...two....three i am now final free