The Present Rode

I’m wondering down this rode
I can’t turn around and I cant go back

There is light in the past
Yet this rode I travel is dark

With only slim silvers of moon light
Peeking though thick clouds of uncertainty

The path winds and drops
And some times I feel my feet losing hold

I slip and sink to curl up were I’ve fallen
Pounding my fist to ease back the pain

The rising will to jump
But it is not the darkness that calls to me

It’s my love Misery
Who died before we could wed

I can’t retrace my steps the present is as fare back as I can tread
So she is lost to me in the depths my memories holds

When I bring my eyes up from the past
The future looks bleak with no sign of change

Dark clouds still linger above
Yet now it seems a sliver of moon shines through brighter

The mountain in the distens is not so fare away
Yet it’s a mirage all the same

No matter how fare I walk
How much I wish I come across another soul

The future is out of reach
And I am alone never knowing how far I must walk