
These tears imprint on my cheeks,
As well as on my hurting heart,
They don’t ever believe in the mending me,
The one inside who knows I can be a star,

If only the night didn’t have so many,
So many stars shining so beautifully bright,
If only the weight on my world wasn’t so hard and heavy,
Maybe I’d still believe in loving light,

These scars that imprint on my mind,
They keep me from running away when life is hard,
They remind me that I have done this and I will find,
Some better days can’t be too far,

I’m done with crying on my plush pillow,
But I’m tired of trying to forever fight these imprints inside,
That only give me false hope for tomorrow,
Because they tell me that I can do this right,

How can I? When I only continue to hide,
Where can I go? When the light returns to me,
I don’t want it back, I only want it to die,
Because that only reminds me that I once aspired to be,

A star who was never afraid to outshine the sun,
A diamond that was worthy of everything she had and more,
But this was the girl before the beauty had begun,
Before beauty and fame overtook her for sure,

She was ever so beautiful, as she was pure and innocent,
She was kind-hearted and care-free,
But this was before she faced a more wicked world, both bold and blunt,
That took away her deceitful dreams she once kept by her in her sleep,

Now she only dreams of a future she believes she wants,
One where there is no light and where she’s forever near night,
She has deceived herself into believing that this life is a con,
And that all she has left from it is her new sights,

She’s seen the darkness of this supposed wasteful world,
She believes that the main killer here is the lies of the light,
Here she fights the dreams that once belonged to the gracious girl,
She beliefs that she is done with the fight of this once luscious life,

This fire has suddenly become her icy imprint,
Cold and chilling, yet it used to be warm,
This fire is burning out, along with everything,
Else, in this haunted house so vulnerable to storms,

Storms that keep the girl awake at night,
Storms that live amongst the air and the clouds,
Now the storm tells her to wake up and find some fight,
Within herself to save herself from having to cry out,

Cry out until someone hears her,
Cry out until she feels no more sinister kinds of sorrow,
Yes, go stand there, watch this girl burn!
No one cares if she sees the truth of tomorrow,

She is tired, but she is not yet over with,
Life is never a game, as you can’t ever win,
But is she living if she never really lives,
She wants to again feel thoroughly alive deep within,

But someone must save her, before she is defeated by her selfish sins…
♠ ♠ ♠
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