
Love is eternal its runs deep with in are soul
Rooting its self
Planted to nurturer and feed
And it consumes me
This love that I have
This love that is for me
That is mine
Yet it seems like everything in this world
Love has a price
A price it seems to much to pay
But were would we be with out this
As time goes on
Loneliness seeps in
A loneliness not even love can comfort
Yet with your picture on my dash bored
I have hope
That love will allow us to cross paths
With passing days
Time grows sad
This love wilting away
Was I destined to be alone?
To feel happens only when the sun grows
In a land were darkness thrives
I find my self trying to hide
In a small patch of light
That is not real
That is not their
Only in my mind
How can I live like this?
When it seems im the only one holding on to a love that is not real
Do you feel it too?
Of cores not
If you did
You would be hear
Not making up lies and reasons why
Why douse love do this to us
To me
Love is eternal its runs deep with in are soul
Rooting its self
Planted to nurturer and feed
And it consumes me
This love that I have
This love that is for me
That is mine