To Find New Place to Wonder and Hide

My mind is racing
Racing around it wont stop
Cant stop
I have to write I can feel the words pressing agents my brain
Yet when I lay pen to paper the words dont want to come out

They go running
Hiding a child caught up in childhood games….

Come out come out were ever you are?....

I cant sleep my mind wont shut off
So I shoot to easy the fear that keeps my words from sneaking out
Yet it just makes my eyes itch and my tong turn brown
So I’m stuck with my head between my knees trying to rock away the Nauseous that is my stomach

The words are just a bluer my hand cant keep up
They dont even know were the paper starts
So I’m sitting curled up while the world spins around me
Like when I was a kid at the park playing with the Worley-winds

Around and around
Yet it is not the world around me that is spinning
It is the world with in my head
A land I didn't even know about

This must be the place were Eleanor resides at
This must be why everything is a bluer
I have to be reborn
So to say
For am I not a fetus

The sky is gray
I can see it now as clear as day
That hazy gray of rain
Yet now I must think were is it that I lay?

A bead perhaps?
Beneath sky of gray
That cant be right
For Eleanor
Perhaps that is the best part

Sitting up I see fog hugging low to the trees
But not Tree trees
More like Dr. Seuss trees
Could it be?
Yes, yes it seems I see clearly

On my feet
For this was a bead!
Time to explore this new place I am in
So I must abide you fair well
And encourage that you take time
To look for new place with in your mind