The Feeling Still Isn't Mutual

Anyone looking would say they hate each other.
She just hates him.
Or is it he that hates her? Of that, I am not sure.

Him running out of the house yet again, just to leave her all alone for hours, while he has his fun and games.
As he explains every little thing to her as if she’s a child; he demeans her and says she doesn’t understand.
She only sees him exiting the front door to go out into the big, bad world in an attempt to make it safe for her.
She only hears what she wants to. She heard him end their phone conversation with “Love you, “ but he really said, “F*** you.”

The salty tears that fall down your cheek. Seeing her cry because he said he wanted her dead, in turn, makes you cry.
The Chanel No.5 he bought for her as an apology as she sprays it. She’s so materialistic; so easy to win over with gifts.
She only tastes the half of his candy bar that he gives to her whenever he decides to share.
She only smells the scent of his waste in the bed pan. The poor thing is bed-ridden now; she must take care of him when he is in need.

Her running out the house to go buy the ice cream he’s been pleading for.
As she explains that it’s not a burden taking care of him, and that things are now different; the past is forgiven.

His dry, cracked lips as she kisses him.
The odor of his reeking vomit lingering in the air. She doesn’t laugh this time, like she did years before.

And, finally, feel…
Their feelings for each other are palpable to anyone nearby.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the sequel to my very first Mibba poem. She is painted as the "all forgiving victim" this time, where as he was in the other one. This is yet another free-verse poem with no rhyming or measure. Comments appreciated. Also, if you read both poems. I'd like to hear your thoughts on what you think exactly is happening in these two poems. Tell me what the story is from what you got from reading these two poems.