
Whatever I did to make you angry, I’ll take it back if you’ll be mine again,
The sounds and lyrics make us do crazy, crazy things,
Wait, I don’t need you because I’m an independent diva,
But, I still want a man who will love only me,
You were my light when it was dark,
The love disappeared when you did me wrong,
My mirror image only displays a fool staring back at me,
I think of you when I look at twinkling stars in the sky,
You have a hold on me that I cannot escape,
I can’t keep believing those lies you told,
Well, I guess I love you,
You are the only gift I want, only you.

It was my fault for not appreciating you,
Listen to what I say, and you’ll be surprised,
I want to be fierce, the one in control,
I hate when you put on an act to try and impress me,
You are that special person that I’ve been looking for,
But, you seem so distant these days, maybe because of me,
No, I don’t want to say goodbye,
I want to run away from all of this damned nonsense with you,
You mess with my brain and make me do things I should not,
I’m no fool like all of those girls from your past,
I should stop trying to change myself for you,
You are my everything, only you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Random free-verse that I've been wanting to do for a while. Comments appreciated.