Hello, My Name is Erica

And i can't seem to shut my mind off
As if it were my destiny to stay awake

The time just ticks on by
It doesn't care about my feelings

The sky is blue
A blue so dark it looks black
It doesn't care that im color blind

Why can't i just close my eyes
For once in my life
Fall asleep like real people do

Baloo is next to me
He is dreaming
Did you know dogs can dream too

I don't dream
Im lucky if i can even stay in bead
It doesn't matter if i ware wholes in my rug

I have circles under my eyes
As if iv been punched
Makeup isn't just to make you look pretty

I use it to look human
Cover the bruises
sleep apnea is a good fighter

I have tried so hard to stay sober
Don't want to be an alcoholic
Like my mother

But its all i want
Too swallow fire
Intoxicated with venom

I can't just stop at one
So zero make it to my lips
And i just drink air

But i want to sleep
Just black out for a few hours
I know i won't vomit

Iv been drinking
Since i have been old enough
To read

Nothing but static
Fills my head
Keeping my eyes awake

Psychopathic plays in the background
But it dose not lull
Me to sleep

It just keeps the static at bay
Gives my feet a rhythm to fallow
My mouth knows all their words

My ears hear all they mean
And my eyes hurt
From trying to rub sleep into them

I try to lay back
Nothing is playing
Not even the static

I force my eyelids down
Their is darkness
Nothing waiting

Maybe if i lay on my left side
Perhaps not
How about the right

Nothing try my back
Then lay on my stomach
But i just get pillow fluff

Fuck this its no use
I might as well just watch
The moon set

What is their left to do
All things sleep
So why not daydream

That i might
one night
Sleep too

My nights away
What a funny thing to say

Let me

Lay back
Nice and still
Take calm breaths

My ceiling
Is full of holes
No their just shadows

I try and count sheep
But they all runaway from me
And Baloo is a sleep

So he can't round them up for me
He is chasing
His own dream

A few pills
Will help

Fuck me
Their is nothing in are cabinet
But ibuprofen

No liquor on the selves
Im an idiot
For telling

Im Erica
And I'm an Alcoholic

But my chips
Wont put me to sleep
No matter how you look at it

What good is it
To be clean
If i cant sleep

Id rather be black out wasted
Stumbling over nothing
Falling into bushes

But walk up rested
With bad breath
And a scratched up face

Then to go
One more
Day this way

Sleep will never
Willingly come
Not even if i noose it