I Am the Snow

Today, I looked out my window
Across a snowy covered pond
A pond just a short walk from home
Today, I began to think of my past.

As I walked home from my bus I thought.
I watched my feet as I again walked alone.
For a stupid moment, I looked ahead of me.
There friends from my childhood walked on without me.

I was quick to return my mind to the ground
Then reminded myself that people change.
I reminded myself that even without friends,
The ground beneath me would not collapse

For this reason I needed to keep walking
Besides, I did have a friend and she is beautiful
I don't mean romantically. She is true beauty.
For she sees the real me, and doesn't fake a smile.

Actually, I have two friends.
He's beatiful too.
He trusts me and I trust him.
I know what he's feeling, but my past has yet to come up

So I kept on walking, music filling my head
Filling my head and emptying my eyes
And as memories of them flood my mind
I couldn't help but smile despite the tears

Today, I realized something.
I am the snow, not the white kind though
I'm the snow in the streets.
The kind that gets ran over and stepped on.

I'm what no one wants.
I'm different and dark.
I'm in possession of a mind of my own.
I'm on a road of my own with two companions.

I'm the dirty brown snow that belongs under our tires.
I get crushed and packed and dirty but still lay there.
But as I look around I can't but remember.
I used to be as beautiful as the whiteness.

I used to be as beautiful like snow is supposed to be.
I just didn't know it. I let them bruise me brown.
And now, though they made me the way I am
They still don't want me.

To my two friends and those who understand,
I know how you feel.
I know it hurts, it's painful
I am here.

Together, we will soak up the sun and rise.
Together we will lose our brown in the sky
Together we will wait and fall once again
Together we will beautiful like we were long long ago.