My Life

Done Done Done
I've been pushed over the edge
I can handle it
I'm the girl
The girl everyone talks about
The almost pregnant
The almost dead
The almost cut
The almost slut
Everyone calls me some kind of name
They think the can judge my life
By the clothes I wear on a Monday
It's a fucking Monday, if you aren't wearing sweats
Not. My. Fucking. Problem.
I am myself, if you want me to be anyone else,
Try being happier with yourself first
I cry once a week
Do I tell everyone know
Twitter doesn't run my life
I reblog cats on tumblr
Fuck you for calling me pathetic
I can do whatever the hell I please
I hate being jealous
I hate being ignored
I hate being pushed around by my "friends"
I hate being told I'm not good enough
What I want isn't good enough
What I have isn't good enough
What I eat isn't good enough
If I want to eat one slice of pizza I will!
If I want to eat an extra large pizza by myself
Don't you fucking touch it, I'll bite you
I don't see anyone else going through the things I have
Wanna know why?
We all go through our own shit
Girl in the corner crying because you fucked up
I've been where you been and honey, it gets better
Kid called gay but is openly bisexual
Fuck the haters, you're only half-a-homo!
I am done
With bullshit
Like you telling me how to live my life
I thought you were my friend
And your jokes aren't that funny
People tell me you're just being cocky
But you're words stung because
You of all people know how much he means to me
You of all people have been in a similar boat before
I'm not judging you for the life you live, but the words you say
Because that's what defines who you are
Your words hurt
Like a knife in the front
Because you knew better than to stab me in the back
I am done with everyone who says what I want
Isn't what is going to be
What I want isn't possible
What I want is stupid.
What I want is what I want
And to hell with your foolish sayings
When did you haul your ass up to the throne
And become the Almighty
You didn't
Stop judging because it makes me sick
Read the Great Gatsby and get over yourself!
My wants
My problems
My dreams
My life
It's all mine
And I will do with it as I please
If I want to get pregnant,
You can go suck a fuck
If you say one thing about my baby
If I want to get married young
My wedding will be because of love
If I want to change career paths
And you call me a quitter..
I will show you that quitting isn't the problem,
It's the motivation you give yourself behind your actions
I can do what I want and if you try to stop me
OR if you say something bad
You can bet my sweet ass
That I will give you hell
Just like my mama told me to do.
Because no one calls me names
No one lies to my face
And no one dictates my life.
I love where I am
And who I am spending it with
And I got a machete with your name on it
If you try to mess anything up
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a slam poem... Weird style... but hey...