
I sit,
and stare,

and wonder
what the stars would be like
if they were a bit more to the right
than they usually are

and if the clouds are really clouds
or messages in disguise thanks to the one
I saw in the shape of a heart
as a kid.

and wonder if the guy I bought
my groceries from at the store
this morning had a nice day
or if his boss yelled at him,

and what would have happened
if I had said “yes” to a receipt
and he had written
his number on it.

and wonder
if the old lady next door
is a widow and
if she misses her husband,

and if I will ever find a magical
love that spans decades,
and if he'll be everything I
ever dreamed of.

and sometimes I wonder
if all my fantasies are
real life and if my reality
is a dream,

and then I remember that
if my reality really is a dream then
I have to wake up sometimes
and face the facts.

and then I'll get my
happily ever after.