Forget About It

This will be the death of me
I can feel it in my bones
In my goddamn bones
And it hurts

My mind just keeps swirling
And theres all these thoughts
And they manifest themselves
Like self doubt and hate

Does anyone actually like me?
I don't think so
So why shouldn't I?
Because maybe someone would be sad

I'm not even seventeen
I haven't experienced everything
So that's why I shouldn't
But then I keep thinking

And I think about why it would matter
Why I would matter
I'm really just another face
And they wouldn't really miss me at all after a while

The headlines would read the same thing
"Teenager commits suicide,
World fails to give a fuck"
Like a million times before

So maybe I will
But I probably won't
Because I'm scared I'll fuck that up too
End up in the hospital

Then I'll be forced to face them all
All the faces asking why
Just like that girl down the block
Only I wouldn't have the balls to try again

So I'll just forget all about that
Live my meaningless life to old age
Go to college, get married, have some kids
That same old bullshit