The Darkness of Depression

When I scream out for help
I’m yelling into the darkness
No lights near or far
Nobody there to hear
Just darkness
Stretching for miles
Swirling and surrounding me
I try to outrun it but it’s all around
This pitch blackness is pulling me down
Not letting go
Drowning in this fog
Of pain
The fog won’t lift
The light wont shine
Just when I see that light at the end of the tunnel
And my heart skips a beat
The darkness entangles me pulling me back
Until that light is so far away
I wonder if it was there at all
Or if the mist of darkness is playing a joke on me
This sadness fills me up consumes me from the inside
Until I want to tear myself apart to pull that darkness out of my heart
Pull my broken and bruised heart out of my body
When I scream
I only hear my echo
Ringing through this darkness
Always coming back to me
A never ending cycle of hopelessness
I am alone in this fog
In this darkness
And no matter how fast I run
It always catches up