I'm Not Ready to Act Like a Girl

For most of my life
I've been one of the boys
When I was little
I played in mud
Messed with bugs
And climbed trees
When I grew up a little
I still didn't mind bugs
I didn't mind getting dirty
And didn't see boys as more than friends
Now I'm 18
I don't like make-up
I don't wear skirts or dresses
And I still see boys as friends only
I've always been one of the boys
I was around them so much
That the only difference between me and them
Was our bodies and who we were attracted to
I thought
And still pretty much
Think the same
Dress the same
And act the same
I'm not ready to act like a girl
I'm still just one of the boys
I guess it's guys now
I play video games when I get the chance
I don't mind roughhousing
I swear like a sailor
And I don't blush at perverted talk
I like being one of the guys
Why should I have to change that?
I mean I don't even know how I would
It's a case of you can take an animal out of the wild
But you can't take the wild out of the animal
I'd take war paint over make-up any day
And I'd rather a friend than a boyfriend too
The only conclusion I can come up with is
I'm still one of the guys
I'm not ready to act like a girl