
She stares at the walls surrounding her,
As everyone she loves stays away.

She hates people and they hate her,
As the stones they throw leaves many scars,
But it's the words that truly hurt.

"You're ugly," many of them say,
They cut deep into her.
No matter how far she runs,
The words catch up.

She believed them when they called her that,
She's been called it so many times.
She was always disgusting in their eyes,
No matter what she did.

Years passed and things got better,
But the insults never stopped.
The more she received,
The more her hate grew.

Once it became too much,
She would stay behind these walls.
She never let anyone in,
But the words still lingered.

Now that she's alone,
She thinks over these words.
Why did they hurt her so,
And why did she believe them?

She looks at the girl in the mirror,
And now she's shocked.
The girl looking back wasn't a girl,
But a grown woman.

The woman with big brown eyes,
And a very pale face.
She had the nose of her father's,
And hair like a goddess's.
This woman wasn't without flaws,
But she was beautiful.

She smiles at the woman,
And turns away from her.
She struts out of the room,
With her chin held high.

She was never ugly,
Nor will she ever be.
The insults didn't stop,
But they no longer bothered her.

Never again will she return to that room,
She now knows better.
She will no longer hide,
She will no longer believe in those words.
For they were just words,
And she knows who she really is.

She's the woman in the mirror,
And she knows she's beautiful.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, this is based off my experiences. But you know what? I don't care what others think anymore. <3