Even the Winter Is Far Warmer Than I

As I write, I cannot help but to feel so cold
I feel cold, just so cold
So cold

This is hell living like this

The winter is even warmer
Even death is warmer
I just feel so cold

I just feel so cold

I feel even colder with tears rolling down my face
Death is even warmer than this
Even the winter in its cold feels warm

I'm living in hell

It is hell to live in silence, because speaking will only trouble
It is hell doing all you can to help and please and people still treat you badly
It is hell living, feeling hideous with anemia and alopecia
It is hell running futily
It is hell living in uncertainty
It is hell resenting an innocent child
It is hell feeling helpless in a winter that is far warmer than you

It is hell being alive!
I feel so cold
Death doesn't feel this cold
The winter feels even warmer

Yet, I feel so cold

Curse this immortality~!

All in all, even the winter is far warmer than I